Counseling Services

Mrs. Connie Neuman offers our counseling services here at Ron Watson Middle School. She has over thirty years of education experience, including being the guidance counselor since the 2013–2014 school year.

Mrs. Neuman offers individual services that include working through divorce situations, bullying, grief, and emotional struggles. She also works with small groups to discuss anger management, friendship concerns, and family situations. Additional services include class counseling, which deals with life skills and the six pillars of Character Counts. She offers academic counseling to all students.

Mrs. Neuman has chosen several role models from each grade level to serve on her Welcome Committee. This committee is responsible for welcoming new students to our school by taking them on a mini tour of our campus and being a buddy to them while they are becoming acquainted with Ron Watson Middle School.

It is the goal of the counseling department to make sure every student feels safe and valued at Ron Watson. We encourage students to stop by the counseling office whenever they need or just to say hi.