Frequently Asked Questions

How do I register my child at Ron Watson Middle School?

You’ll see it’s easy to register your child at Ron Watson! Just view the registration information on our district site, or you can fill out the paperwork in our school office when you come to register your son or daughter. Please don’t forget to bring your child’s birth certificate, immunization record, social security number, and the address of the last school he/she attended.

How can I stay informed on what's going on at Ron Watson?

You can stay updated by checking this website often. You’ll find it is an easy way to stay informed and energized about Ron Watson Middle School. We invite you to check your child’s grades on Illuminate regularly.

Can I visit my child’s school/classroom during school hours?

Absolutely, we welcome visiting parents. You may call the office to set up a convenient time for a visit. Involved parents really make a difference, and we love to see you at Ron Watson Middle School. We ask that you please report to the office when you arrive at the building. We will give you a visitor’s welcome badge and help you with the layout of our school.

What types of classes will my child take?

Students will have classes in the following core subjects: language arts, math (double block), science, social studies, and two electives. Sixth-grade students will be given PE and a combo class with one semester of music and one semester of art, but may elect to take: band, i-Team, choir, leadership, or AVID in place of one of the sixth-grade electives.

Note: AVID & Leadership require an application process before being approved by the teacher. Please request the application from the school if you are interested.

Students not meeting grade-level standards according to state and/or district benchmark assessments will receive appropriate intervention classes in place of an elective class.

What meals does the cafeteria serve, and what is the cost?

Junior High Pricing Schools: Gila Vista, Woodard, Castle Dome, and RWMS

We know that breakfast is the most important part of the day. That is why at Yuma School District One, we offer breakfast at no cost. We serve breakfast from 8:05 a.m. to 8:35 a.m. Please join us! If a parent or child would like to join a student and purchase breakfast, the cost is $2.00. We offer lunch to all students for $1.50 every day. If a parent or guest would like to join their student for lunch, the cost is $3.00.

You may fill out a free and reduced lunch application at any time during the school year if you think your child may qualify. If you would like to manage your meal account online or make an online payment, you may go to the district Child Nutrition page. Please see the cafeteria manager for more details. We look forward to serving you.

If your student brings a sack lunch from home, they may still purchase a juice or milk for 25 cents to go with their meal. Due to USDA guidelines, milk or juice is 25 cents, regardless if your student qualifies for free or reduced-priced meals.

What is the dress code at Ron Watson?

We care about our students’ appearance. What our children wear influences how they learn and influences how they interact with students and teachers. Your child should avoid wearing anything that could distract or harm others. Help your child avoid any clothing displaying objectionable or gang-related symbols. Your child’s pants and shorts should fit at the waist, and clothing should cover all undergarments. We ask that your child wear caps outdoors only and only straight backwards or straight forward; students may not wear caps sideways. Help your child avoid wearing potentially harmful accessories like spiked jewelry or oversized earrings. Please review the dress code listed in the student handbook which you can find linked in the upper left side of the page in the Quick Links section.

What time should I drop off/pick up my child?

Your child should not arrive before 8:05 a.m. when supervision begins. If an early drop-off is necessary, please consult with the school office. Please pick up your child promptly at dismissal time at 3:39 p.m. Every Monday, we dismiss students at 2:09 p.m.

What will happen if my child misses a lot of school?

We cannot emphasize enough the importance of regular school attendance. Your child should be in school every day that he/she is physically able. Your child will fall behind in classwork and academic learning if he/she misses school often.

What should I do if my child must be absent from school?

Parents, please call the school office by 9:30 a.m. if a child is going to absent from school or late to school. If a child does not arrive at school, we want to be sure that he/she is safe with you. When your child has been absent for at least two days from school, you may call the school office in the morning so the teacher can be notified and can have time to gather your child’s work by the end of the day. We will send appropriate books when necessary. You may pick up assignments in the office at the end of the school day. We ask that if your child will only miss one day of school he or she should make up the homework upon returning to school.

What should we do if my child arrives late to school?

If your child gets to school after 8:35 a.m., please sign them in at the school office before they join their class.

What happens if my child has an appointment during school hours?

Please send a note to school with your child on the morning of the early dismissal. Include the time and reason for the appointment. Ron Watson parents need to sign out their children in the school office before leaving school early. Your child’s teacher will send your child to the office when you arrive at the office, not before. Please call the school office or send a note with your child if you authorize someone else to pick your child up or if you have arranged for your child to go home with another student.

Can my child go home with a friend or to another destination after school?

Please inform the school of any change in your child’s transportation before 3:00 p.m. – otherwise your child will need to go home as usual. A student may not ride or walk home with another student or get off at a different bus stop without a note from a parent or a timely call to the office.

When will I have a parent/teacher conference with my child’s teacher?

We are most willing to schedule a conference any time during the year. Please feel free to call and arrange a time at your convenience. We find that communication between school and home allows us to support each other, so contact your child’s teacher as soon as you feel a need. Middle school parent/teacher conferences are scheduled during quarters one and three.

What daily supplies does my child need?

Please help your child prepare for class each day. We ask that your child have pens, pencils, paper, and other necessary tools for learning. Your child should have their assigned iPad fully charged and with them every school day, as well as earbuds/headphones.

What are the guidelines for cell phones, electronics, and other valuables?

The school is not responsible for items that are brought to school and become lost, stolen, or broken.

What if my child needs to take medicine at school?

The school nurse may administer medication only if she has a signed parent consent allowing this. You may request this form in the school office. Parents, we ask that you list your contact information as well as alternate contacts in case you are unavailable during an emergency. Please list at least two persons to contact in the event of student illness or injury; review or update forms as needed or as we request it.

Students may not have prescription or over-the-counter medicines in their possession. You should give all medicines to the nurse for proper handling and dispensing. You and your child should keep prescription medication in the current pharmacy container, labeled with your child’s name and correct dosage instructions. We ask that you and your child handle over-the-counter medicines in the same way. The nurse will call your child from the classroom or cafeteria for timely administration of prescription and other medications.

The school nurse monitors immunizations, conducts health screenings, maintains medical records, and cares for students who are ill or have emergency medical needs at school. She works with parents and students and advises on preventive health care. She also calls parents to pick up children who are injured or ill.

What supplies does my child need for school?

Your child has specific needs based on their grade level. You can find all the supply lists linked on our News page.

What time does my child need to get on the bus?

You may find bus routes and times by your address on the transportation website. Simply wait a few seconds for the address screen to load, enter your address, and click submit.