PBIS and the Way of the Wolf
Positive Behavior Interventions and Support
Ron Watson Middle School students will experience the “Way of the Wolf” (WOW) as we implement Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). Students will be expected to follow the “Ways of the Wolf”, which includes:
- Be Responsible
- Be Respectful
- Be Safe
- Be Excellent
Wolf Rewards
To complement the “Way of the Wolf”, Ron Watson Middle School students will receive a “Wolf Rewards Card” each Monday with ten “Wolf Points” on each card. If the student fails to follow the “Way of the Wolf”, they will lose a “Wolf Point”. If a student fails to bring their Wolf Reward Card and needs to have a “Wolf Point” taken away, they will be assigned lunch detention. Also, each time a student loses five “Wolf Points” during the week, they will be assigned a lunch detention. Each day, students with a clean card will get to go to the front of the line in the cafeteria, and on Fridays, we will have a drawing for each grade level with clean cards (no marks) that have been turned in. Also, at the end of each semester, RWMS hosts a rewards celebration for all students who have earned 80% of the “Wolf Points” and have been present at least 90% of the of the available school days.
Wolf Point Deductions Include:
- Preparedness
- Classroom Disruption
- Disrespecting Peers
- Refusing to Work
- Food/Drinks/Gum
- Cheating
- Tardy to Class
- Inappropriate Language
- Public Display of Affection
- Dress Code
- Cell phone not remaining in backpack
- Technology misuse (minor)